International Mixed Combat Arts Confederation

(World Masters of Combat Sports Complex)

Those sets which have technical history and origin and have criteria and classification in correct execution and technique principles with skillfull coaches and are single branch i.e they have their own techniques and katas, can register as specified system with the MCF confederation, mentioning the background and biography of the founders and their rules.


Seishin Ryu karate


Sung moo kwan

Taekwon kumdo

Headong kumdu


Seishin kaikan

washimakai kyudokan

Shorin Ryu kyudokan

ITF taekwondo

Tangsoo do


Moo moo kwan

Kido kwan


Chang moo kwan taekwon do

Yong moo do (WYF)

Taekwon do (WTMA)

Hapkido jungsoolkwan

Brazilian jujitsu (GRACI)

Budo sports

Seibukan combat karate do

Okinawan shorin Ryu